Image via WikipediaAt the time of Lord Rama, there were two sages, Maharishi Vishishtha, Lord Rama’s guru and the Maharishi Vishvamitra. The later brought the essence of Hinduism, the Gaytri Mantra. However, while going through the process of trials and temptations, the Maharishi Vishvamitra had to encounter many problems. Once upon a time, before achieving the enlightenment, he was on his way to some place with many fellows. He was the representative of the king.
He crossed near the Ashram of the Maharishi Vishishtha and his going there and asking the Maharishi to feed his fellows brought the worse thing on earth, and that is the Tobacco. It is from the blood of the cow’s feet.
The Maharishi Vishvamitra requited to the Maharishi Vishishtha to feed his fellows. He did it miraculously and the Vishvamitra could not believe it. He checked it. He found that the Maharishi had a cow, who was giving everything that the Vishishtha asked. He wanted to have that cow. The Vishishtha, the great said that it for serving others, not for personal use. However, the Vishvamitra insisted and wanted to have a fight for it. The cow, named Kamadhenu, the fulfiller of desires left the place, while leaving to the sky. Seeing the Vishvamitra left an arrow, which struck the feet of the cow. The blood came from her feet and fell on earth.
Then she cursed that from her blood a plant will grow, and people in the Dark Age, the Kaliyuga, that is the present times, would eat it, and doing the evils things, would speak against God and rebuking the God fearing people. The Vishvamitra regretted, but it was too late. Now, even those who eat the flesh of cow they go insane after few years, and one cannot eat the Tobacco with cow’s milk. The modern people would argue about how it can be possible.
Well, it took thousands of years. As it takes only few months that the grapes turns into wine. The blood there remained as the part of the growing plants; it changed the growth in many ways. However, we do not need to make arguments for it. It simply says that eating tobacco is eating cow’s blood and flesh. It has the one the most used addictive content in and many forms.
However, the Maharishi later gave the Gaytri Mantra to have guts and spiritual energy and the powers to leave this habit and the curse it carries from the Kamadhenu cow. Thanks and May Make Our Earth Pollution and Addiction Free!
Its very important that we keep the high feelings of reverence for our sages, and thus while the stories tell some truths according to one thing, the entire life span is not like that. The Rishis and Muni's as known the Sages. So, please read about the great Rishi Vishvamitra Ji here:
Please also read this article:God, Holy Spirit as the Shakti, Life, Nature: Concept of Philosophy, Religion, Name, Naam, Sound in Indian Civilization
Thanks for your time reading it.
He crossed near the Ashram of the Maharishi Vishishtha and his going there and asking the Maharishi to feed his fellows brought the worse thing on earth, and that is the Tobacco. It is from the blood of the cow’s feet.
The Maharishi Vishvamitra requited to the Maharishi Vishishtha to feed his fellows. He did it miraculously and the Vishvamitra could not believe it. He checked it. He found that the Maharishi had a cow, who was giving everything that the Vishishtha asked. He wanted to have that cow. The Vishishtha, the great said that it for serving others, not for personal use. However, the Vishvamitra insisted and wanted to have a fight for it. The cow, named Kamadhenu, the fulfiller of desires left the place, while leaving to the sky. Seeing the Vishvamitra left an arrow, which struck the feet of the cow. The blood came from her feet and fell on earth.
Then she cursed that from her blood a plant will grow, and people in the Dark Age, the Kaliyuga, that is the present times, would eat it, and doing the evils things, would speak against God and rebuking the God fearing people. The Vishvamitra regretted, but it was too late. Now, even those who eat the flesh of cow they go insane after few years, and one cannot eat the Tobacco with cow’s milk. The modern people would argue about how it can be possible.
Well, it took thousands of years. As it takes only few months that the grapes turns into wine. The blood there remained as the part of the growing plants; it changed the growth in many ways. However, we do not need to make arguments for it. It simply says that eating tobacco is eating cow’s blood and flesh. It has the one the most used addictive content in and many forms.
However, the Maharishi later gave the Gaytri Mantra to have guts and spiritual energy and the powers to leave this habit and the curse it carries from the Kamadhenu cow. Thanks and May Make Our Earth Pollution and Addiction Free!
Its very important that we keep the high feelings of reverence for our sages, and thus while the stories tell some truths according to one thing, the entire life span is not like that. The Rishis and Muni's as known the Sages. So, please read about the great Rishi Vishvamitra Ji here:
Please also read this article:God, Holy Spirit as the Shakti, Life, Nature: Concept of Philosophy, Religion, Name, Naam, Sound in Indian Civilization
Thanks for your time reading it.
Is this true, cow blood gave rise to tobacco plant ?. From where i can get more information about this?
Really nice and interesting post. I was looking for this kind of information and enjoyed reading this one. Keep posting. Thanks for sharing.
baju seragam tk
Give me reference from any authentic shaashtra where it is written that tobacco has originated from cow blood
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